While our game may be running without any issues in the editor or even in…

Timers and DeltaTime
By now, you should have noticed that in every Tick function there is a float parameter named DeltaTime. This parameter is equal to the seconds it took in order for the last frame to be completed. In this tutorial, I’m going to create a function which fires every X seconds using Timers
Creating a Timer
In UE4 we can set custom timers for specific events to fire. Say that you want a function named DoAPeriodicCheck to run every 10 seconds to happen, well that’s easy!
First of all, create a class which inherits from Actor (I named it TimerActor) and add the following property with the corresponding macro:
float LoopTime;
Moreover, we need a function that will execute every time that our custom timer will tick. I created the following function:
void DoAPeriodicCheck();
My header file is included in the following image:
Switch to your source file and type in the following function (this is the function that is going to be executed every LoopTime seconds):
Ok, now all we need to do is to tell the Actor in the BeginPlay function we want our timer to start. This can be done with the following code:
That’s all, now compile your code, create a Blueprint based on the class we created above and place it in your level. Then, set a value to the LoopTime, press play and wait for the DoAPeriodicCheck() to fire. Your output should be similar to the image below:
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