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Utilizing Unreal Engine’s reflection system

In this post, we’re going to utilize the built-in reflection system in UE4 to perform changes in our game at runtime. Reflection is the ability of a program to inspect its own code (or other associated code) and change at runtime (for more information about reflection, click here). By default, C++ isn’t capable of that, however Unreal Engine is kind enough and created this ability for us!

In this post, we’re going to create one BlueprintCallable function which will take a single FString parameter. That function will search all the available functions of our object and if it manages to find a function whose name is the same of our parameter, it will execute it. This is the most common case of using reflection.

In case you find yourself writing C++ out of the engine and want to use this feature, a simple workaround is to create a map container with string keys and pointers to functions as mapped types. Then, you can manual search your map and execute your associated function using the corresponding function pointer.

Let’s move on and use the reflection system of the engine!

Utilizing UE’s reflection system

I’ve created a Third Person C++ template project and inside my character’s header file, I’ve added to following declarations:

Then, I’ve implemented the following logic:

Compile and save your code. When you’re done with that, add the following Blueprint code to your character:



Here is my output after pressing E a couple of times:


A big thank you to Eduard Gelbling and Sergiu Crăiţoiu for their suggestions and ideas which led to an updated code in this post! You’re awesome!

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This Post Has 8 Comments

    1. Hello, in other programming languages which support reflection by default you pass an array of objects and then your program tries to execute the given function by correlating the functions’ arguments with that array. Currently in UE4 I’m unable to find a built-in way to do so.


  1. Hi, it seems simple to use Target->ProcessEvent(Fn, Args); ? Is it wrong?

    snippet from engine

    static void Call(UObject* Target, const TCHAR* FunctionName, void* Args = nullptr)
    if (!Target)
    UFunction* Fn = Target->FindFunction(FunctionName);
    if (Fn)
    Target->ProcessEvent(Fn, Args);

    1. Hello,

      Even if I haven’t verified that this snippet works, it’s not unusual that the engine may provide multiple way to utizile a functionality. It depends on your use case and your needs.

      Having said that, I wouldn’t say that your snippet is wrong.


  2. hi.
    thanks for this incredibly helpful article.
    I am curious to know is there any way to get the return value of a function?

    1. Hello,

      That’s actually a good question, unfortunately I haven’t investigated this at the time of writing this comment.
      You should probably check the engine’s code.


  3. Hi. This post was very helpful to me.
    And I have a question.
    With the Unreal’s reflection system, can I expose, use or search any properties on an UObject too?

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